Gauteng being a summer rainfall area, veggie beds will need to be watered in winter. Water is a scarce commodity, so approach this watering with […]
Your Water Footprint
In South Africa, water is a scarce commodity with an average annual rainfall of approximately 464 mm compared with a world average of 860mm, according […]
Water Awareness
If every person takes on a water conservation mind set, disaster can be averted.• Only use what you need ~ don’t waste water!• Toilets are […]
Leaks are not lekker
Gautengers are being urged to conserve water and one of the first things we can do is to make sure that there are no leaks […]
Drying as a means of Preserving
Drying offers an alternative way of preserving fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. Dried fruit has almost the equivalent nutrient value of fresh fruit and is […]
Succession Planting
In order to make the most of your kitchen garden, you need to think about planting more than one crop in the same patch of […]
Planning your Vegetable Planting ~ Part Two
Last week we introduced the idea of planting just enough for your needs, rather than filling your vegetable patch simply because you can. Some Common […]
Planning Your Vegetable Garden: Table To Farm
Planning your vegetable garden is key to ensuring a constant and steady supply, hopefully year round, of the fresh vegetables the family enjoys, without facing […]
Aphids – the Bane of the Vegetable Gardener
Anyone who has tried to grow vegetables will know that sooner or later the plants are going to receive some unwelcome attention from aphids. Aphids […]
Grey go-away-bird
A popular bird on smallholdings is the Grey Go-away bird (Corythaixoides concolor), otherwise known as the Grey Lourie or the Kwêvoël. Other names are umKlewu […]