The teeth can be used as an aid in determining the approximate age of a sheep, especially up to the age of four. Sheep, goats […]
Borehole Maintenance
If you rely on a borehole water supply on your smallholding then keeping it maintained is extremely important. With regular borehole maintenance check-ups you can […]
Impenetrable Hedges
Smallholders are always on the lookout for ways to improve their security and one option is to plant an impenetrable hedge, using shrubs that have […]
Replacing Exotic Trees
The Gauteng Smallholder has written extensively over the years about the challenges we face in dealing with invasive alien plants (IAPs). When it comes […]
The African Potato
The “African wild potato” (Hypoxis hemerocallidea) first rose to fame ~ or was it infamy ~ in 1997 when our erstwhile minister of health recommended […]
Some Earthworm Facts
• As of 2010, there were 282 known indigenous earthworm species (most endemic) in South Africa, along with 44 introduced species. • An earthworm can […]
Wild birds and their Love of (our) Chicken Food
We have grown tired of feeding all the wild birds in the neighbourhood with food that is actually intended to feed our small flock of […]