Thrifty smallholders might wonder how to make new soap from old scraps that they can’t throw away. The process is quite easy.

We had saved about twenty five scraps of soap and were able to make six new cakes.

We chose to “cook” on the stove top, but you can use the microwave to melt the soap.

New soap from old scraps
There were about 25 old scraps of soap.

Ingredients and Equipment to Make a “New” Cake of Soap

Scraps of soap;

A double boiler or a glass bowl that you can place in a pan of boiling water;

Sprigs of flowers or herbs (optional);

Rolled oats (optional);

Essential oil such as lavender (optional).

Moulds e.g. muffin pan, small tins, small plastic cups.

Spray oil (optional, depending on your moulds).


Grate the scraps of soap.

New soap from old scraps
Grate the scraps.
New soap from old scraps
Melt with a little water in a double boiler.

Put water in the bottom of the double boiler and bring it to the boil. Pour the grated soap into the top pot of the double boiler and place it in the boiling water. Add just enough water to make a sticky paste. Stir constantly until the soap has melted, adding a little more water if needed.

New soap from old scraps
Gather herbs and spray the muffin pan.

Once it has melted, if you are going to add oats, flowers or herbs do so now and stir it in. Likewise a drop or two of the essential oil, stir thoroughly until it is mixed in.

Spray the moulds with oil, unless you are using silicon muffin or cupcake pans. If you wish you may place a flower or sprig of herb in each mould.

Pour the liquid soap into the moulds.

New soap from old scraps
Pour into the mould.

Press petals or sprigs of herbs onto each. This is optional but it makes the soap look pretty.

Leave to dry, preferably for twenty four hours. Carefully take each one out of the mould, running a knife around the edge if necessary. Leave to dry for a few more days before using.

What else can you do with scraps of soap?

You might not want to melt scraps of soap and remould it. There are other leftover soap hacks.

  • You can put them amongst your clothes, particularly if they are being stored away for a season.
  • Some smallholders buy small veggienet bags and place the soap bits in them. Tie the end and use it as a home-made loofah. This helps to exfoliate dead skin cells.
  • You can also put the old scraps in the toe of an old pantyhose. This gives you a variation of soap on a rope.
  • You can try putting the scraps in a blender with some water to make liquid soap.

To read about other activities in the kitchen click here.

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