Smallholders with lactating cows must be aware of the dangers of bovine mastitis. This is the inflammation of the udder and can be caused by […]
How To Build A Chicken Tractor
A chicken tractor is an effective way to move a small flock around your property, while still protecting the birds from predators, with the added […]
Comparing Duck Eggs With Chicken Eggs
Anyone who has kept ducks on their plot will sing the praises of the eggs. So how do they compare with chicken eggs? Duck eggs […]
Keep It Clean In One Spray
There’s no need to blast paint off the walls of stables, broiler houses or piggeries when attempting to ensure they are adequately disinfected. That’s because […]
Sticktight Fleas On Poultry
Now is the time for smallholders to be looking out for “sticktight fleas”, particularly on their chickens. Echidnophaga gallinacea is a genus of flea that […]
Mitigating Climate Change In Poultry Production
We need to approach mitigating climate change in poultry production from many different angles. Mitigation refers to reducing climate change. We do this by reducing […]
Mange On Smallholders’ Animals
Mange is a skin problem that can affect dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, cattle, goats and sheep. It can even affect wild animals. Mange is caused […]
Effects Of Heat Stress On Chickens
Keepers of poultry in back yard flocks or in commercial venutres need to look out for the effects of heat stress on chickens. Smallholders and […]
Moulting Chickens: What You Need To Know
When a chicken begins to look dishevelled and tatty, it could be that it is moulting. Moulting chickens lose their feathers and grow new ones […]
Keeping Organic Poultry
Organic poultry keeping is based on the premise that the entire life cycle of the bird is completely environmentally friendly. The focus is on the […]