Keeping ducks and geese on a plot can provide a number of benefits to your property. They are hardy birds that can live for up […]
How To Stop Birds Eating Your Fruit
Recently, a reader asked how to prevent birds from eating the fruit off his fruit trees. Like him, many smallholders experience a similar problem, which […]
Lacewings Are Beneficial To Have Around
Smallholders should befriend beneficial insects such as lacewings. We tend to spend time worrying about insects that might be a threat to our crops, livestock, […]
Know The Pollinators Of Your Crops
Honour the pollinators of your crops: you can thank a pollinator for one in every three bites of food that you take. Thirty five percent […]
How To Repair Pastures With Brush Packing
Bush encroachment or bush thickening can be remedied through brush packing. Encroachment takes place when the growth of grass and leafy plants is threatened by […]
Keeping Game On Your Smallholding
People have different reasons for keeping game on your smallholding. They might be looking at game production in the same way as they will keep […]
The Importance of Earthworms in the Soil
Charles Darwin spent the last years of his life studying earthworms, because he valued the importance of earthworms in the soil. He said, “It may […]
Ideas For Summer Fly Control
When you ask the internet about fly control, often the solutions are household remedies such as cleaning up after pets and removing decaying food. For […]
The Mongoose On Your Smallholding
You know you have seen a mongoose on your smallholding if you have seen a short-legged animal with a pointed nose, small ears, and a […]
Bees and Gum Trees: It’s Complex
Most of us are familiar with Eucalyptus trees, but we might not know of the relationship between bees and gum trees. The gum tree or […]