With rabies infections on a worrying rise in South Africa, this World Rabies Day we should pay special attention to the signs and symptoms of […]
Trichomoniasis ~ Don’t Feed Wild Birds
Temperatures are beginning to rise this season and that means that the threat of Trichomoniasis in birds will also be on the rise. Trichomoniasis, colloquially […]
How To Deal With External Parasites On Chickens
There are quite a few types of external parasites on chickens, which can pose a threat to their well-being. Smallholders might see different parasites on […]
It’s World Mosquito Day
World Mosquito Day (WMD) was established to commemorate the discovery of the link between mosquitoes and malaria transmission. This happened in 1897, yet malaria still […]
Women on Smallholdings
Some women on smallholdings might be a bit sceptical about the images that come up on Women’s Day. Here are some reasons for that. While […]
Legality of Keeping Exotic Animals as Pets
Some smallholders keep exotic animals as pets, just because they are different from traditional pets. Exotic means the same as alien ~ the animal does […]
Keeping Cats on Smallholdings
Fewer people keep cats on smallholdings than those who keep dogs, but of those who do, SA Smallholder research shows the average is around three […]
Ants and Aphids: An Insect Love Story
Vegetable growers with an aphid problem might be used to seeing ants around their aphid-infested crops as well. That is because aphids are sometimes protected […]
Controlling Aphids: Prevention and Treatment
In controlling aphids, you must first identify that you have aphids. Once identified, you will now need to address the issue to prevent further infestation […]
Aphids: the Menace of the Vegetable Garden
Anyone who has tried to grow vegetables will know that sooner or later the plants are going to receive some unwelcome attention from aphids ~ […]